I recently received this prayer to the Gulf that was written by Dr. Masaru Emoto. If you are not familiar with the work of Dr. Emoto, he is an author, scientist and humanitarian whose work with water was highlighted in the movie "What the Bleep Do we Know".
I won't go into the politics, blame, and horror of this current disaster. I am just sad. So I was glad to see this simple prayer, that says it all....
To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, plankton, coral, algae, and all living creatures...
Please forgive me.
Thank you.I love you."
Hi, i am not often here but come here once in a while when i am not too busy. It looks like nobody commented on this prayer post. I don't know Dr Emoto but sending love intentions to all the creatures of the world especially those in disasters is beautiful in harmonizing energies with us all. This is also the intention of those in the US behind the Global Coherence Initiative movement. They are scientists and have philosophy which might not be common yet with the normal world thoughts. Please visit, http://www.glcoherence.org
Andrea - thanks for the link to Global Coherence, I hadn't heard of it. I think the more of us who participate in movements like this, the better our world will be.
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