I'd add some pictures of the potpourri and garden, but I'm sitting in Florida enjoying some sunshine, not so warm weather but a chance to wind down after the holidays, recharge and get ready for the year ahead. There's something soothing about the ocean to me and I can walk the beach for hours. But I do miss my gardens and plants.
I just read a blog that was discussing propogating rosemary and realized how much my plants are like pets (or maybe even children) to me. I left my plants at home in the care of a good friend who will water them faithfully but just doesn't understand how plants have their own personalities. My large rosemary that I faithfully tended all summer is sitting in the sunroom right now and misses me I'm sure! I hope it is making it through the winter okay along with all the other tender perennials.
But almost as good as being in the garden is the dreams and fantasies of the wonderful gardening year ahead. I love to study the seed catalogs, research plants and plot out the garden design for the year. I try to keep a garden journal every year and this is when I go back and read it for ideas of what to do new and different this year.
My goals for my 2010 garden:
- Try some new vegetables that I don't receive (or receive enough) from my CSA
- Expand the medicinal herbs in the garden
- Find some new shade/part shade loving perennials for those parts of the garden including native varieties
- Make it beautiful
What are your goals for your garden this year? Feel free to post some of yours.